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北京阳光麦道展览服务有限公司是一家专业的国际展览服务机构,主要从事大型境外展览推广、国际展会咨询、出国商务考察、出国~~辅导、展台设计搭建、国际货运代理、海外市场推广等国际商务活动。公司秉承“阳光、诚信、创新、协作、共赢”的企业精神,为走向全球的中国企业搭建展示创新成果,促进贸易增长的全方位交流平台。   我们的服务宗旨: 1、 以客户需求为导向,迅速对企业关注的市场焦点作出反应; 2、 积极发展全球化业务,有效地帮助企业拓展新的市场; 3、 强调全方位服务以符合国际贸易发展的需要。   阳光麦道以“创新改变世界,服务引领未来”的经营理念,已成功组织了数百家中国企业走出国门,行业覆盖汽车摩托车配件、建材卫浴、五金工具等,业务遍及全球近三十个国家,目前已和世界各大展览会的组织机构建立了紧密的合作关系,包括来自德国、美国、英国、法国、巴西及中东和中国台湾地区的展览机构。得到了各国贸易组织、著名展览公司、各大主办方的信赖与鼎力支持,获得了众多世界知名展会在中国地区的独家代理权,为中国企业进一步开拓国际市场奠定了坚实的基础。         公司坚持专业化、国际化、品牌化的发展方向,集展览服务、市场调研、信息资讯于一体,为中国企业开拓国际市场筑路引航,更朝着打造“阳光麦道”国际品牌,弘扬“阳光创新服务”的发展目标不断迈进。致力成为企业~~会展服务合作伙伴,并为营造多方共赢的繁荣局面而努力! Beijing Sun rising Exhibition Service Co., Ltd is dedicated solely to the oversea large scale exhibition. we mainly engaged in large overseas exhibition promotion, international exhibition consulting, overseas business survey, tutoring for visa application, booth design and construction, international freight forwarders, overseas market and other international business activities. Companies adhering to the "sunshine, integrity, innovation, cooperation, win-win" spirit of enterprise, and for moves towards global Chinese enterprise builds all-round platform for them to showcase innovative achievements as to promote trade growth.
Our service tenet: 1, take the customer demand as the guidance, the rapid react to the market the enterprise focus on; 2, the positive development globalization business, effectively help enterprises to develop new market; 3, emphasize all-round services to meet the needs of the development of international trade.
Sunrising CO Ltd take the "innovation is to change the world, the best service lead future" business philosophy in heart, has successfully organized hundreds of Chinese enterprise go abroad, industry covers automobile &motorcycle parts, building materials sanitary ware, hardware tools and so on . Currently Our business has throughout nearly thirty countries in the field of global industry and has established closely cooperation relationship with the world each big exhibition organization, including from Germany, the United States, Britain, France, Brazil and the Middle East and China Taiwan exhibition agencies. Got countries trade organization, famous exhibition companies and each big organizers of the trust and the full support, won many of the world's most famous exhibitions in China for the Chinese enterprises the solely agency, , has laid the solid foundation for chinese enterprises of developing international market Companies adhere to the specialization and internationalization, brand development direction, integrates exhibition services, market research, information at an organic whole, develop international market for Chinese enterprises to build more toward building pilotage, "sun rising " international brand, promote "sunshine innovation service" development goals continuously ahead. To become the enterprise best exhibition service partner, and make every effort to build the prosperity of multi-win-win situation!"
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_sunrising6.html 主营业务:展会展览服务,信息咨询,服务推广等 经营模式:
贸易型 成立年份:2009年 |
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